The story of my(kids) life

The story of my(kids) life
"Josie NO!"

Thursday, November 5, 2009

October was FULL of fun!!

We started with Race for the Cure.

That's right, Josie and I got up at 5 am, bundled up warm, and headed downtown for the 3 mile walk.

She did so good. Rode in her stroller the entire time, with close to no complaining. We walked with my childhood friend's company called Buck Girl.

As you see, they made t-shirts for everyone, mine being a tad inappropriate.... I didn't make it.

And Josie had her own that said "Tator Hog" her nick name by her dad.

I want to say it was 40 degrees that morning.

But she did wonderful!

Then to Florida we went!!!!
Brad and Jenn's wedding was so beautiful!
We had a great time.

I mean, can you beat that???
Henry has pretty much mastered a giggle and a smile.
He'll be 3 months old on the 14th of this month.
Josie NEVER smiled!
Still, its hard to get her to smile on command.

But we all had a great time.
Outlet mall shopping was interesting with 2. Henry, just like his dad,
HATES to shop. Thank God for Ganny!
That's all I have to say about the entire trip.
Every night we got blessed with an amazing sunset.
Just like birthday cake,
Josie was not so much of a fan of the sand being on her hands.
Its like glitter, syrup, super glue, and jelly....
How does it end up EVERYWHERE???
Just as always, even on the 5th day of being there-
Josie is still a Nonna's Girl!

And Henry is just that way with Ganny.
Ganny's Boy.
Did I mention Thank God for Ganny??!!
The wedding was breathtaking! Jenn was KNOCK DOWN GORGEOUS!!
I had already changed in this picture, but she is still glowing!
We love her.
She loves my brother....